31 Days · Thrifts

31 Days: The Thrift Project

Below are all the posts in this series.  Scroll down to read about why I’m doing The Thrift Project.

Day 1: Costume Jewelry Statement Necklace

Day 2: Vintage Skirt Refashion

Day 3: My 5 Best Thrift Secrets

Day 4: Time Travel Dress

Day 5: Old School Office Chair

Day 6: Cranberry Ruffle Skirt

Day 7: Rummage Sales + Garage Sales

Day 8: Pebble Necklace

Day 9: Leather Clutch

Day 10: Best Things to Thrift

Day 11: The Shirt Dress

Day 12: Mustard Cardigan

Day 13: Haggle Shop Skirt

Day 14: Waste Not, Want Not Sweater

Day 15: Go for Gold Earrings

Day 16: Happy Accident Cardigan

Day 17: Hall of Fame

Day 18: The Advanced Placement Cardigan

Day 19: Shaken, Not Stirred Costume

Day 20: Leaving Summer T-Shirt (and a Pumpkin One, Too)

Day 21: Shady Business

Day 22: Delicious Autumn Necklace

Day 23: Red Pants

Day 24: Beautiful and Useful

Day 25: Fancy Pants Rug

Day 26: Lamp Elevator

Day 27: Devil Belt

Day 28: Work in Progress Skirt

Day 29: Prosecco Necklace

Day 30: Gray Dana Coat

Day 31: Lessons


I’ve been debating this for some time.  It’s a commitment, in an already very committed month.  But I’m seeing it as a personal challenge that I want to try.

What is it?  I’m joining 31 Days.  I’m linking up with The Nester and committing to posting every day for the month of October.

When I started thinking about doing this, I wanted to post about something that I know a lot about (or at least have a lot of experience with), but I also wanted to post about something that would help me accomplish something fairly big.  Hence, “The Thrift Project”.  This will be my attempt to finish all some (let’s be honest here, there are many more) of those half-done or waiting-to-be-started projects of things I’ve found at the thrift store.  I love thrifting. And I love making stuff.  But sometimes, my eyes are bigger than my calendar. I buy things, knowing I can make them wonderful, but I just haven’t had the time, or more realistically, haven’t made the time, to get them all finished.

But, like my reason for starting this blog, if I commit to making the time for (and blogging about) my projects, I will accomplish something big: finishing a big list of projects in a short amount of time.

This month’s posts will include some great clothing re-do’s, a handful of fun jewelry projects, a couple of small “around the house” thifts, a few BIG projects I want to tackle, and some tips I’ve learned through the years that have made a difference in my thrifting successes.

Want to follow me on this journey? You can get updates by clicking “Follow” in the lower right hand corner. My posts will be emailed directly to you.

Want to blog every day of October? Read more about The Nester’s 31 Days here.  I’m sure it’s going to be a lot of fun!

3 thoughts on “31 Days: The Thrift Project
